Review of Phase IV

Phase IV (2002)
Superman vs. The Boz
16 March 2006
Come on, now where do you get a comic book hero beat up the guy who got steamrolled by BO JACKSON! Yes, The Boz will kick my tail for that last statement-Yes, I'm joking! Anyways, moving along past the preliminaries, Dean Cain and Brian Bosworth make this movie tick-no doubt about it! It's a first-class action flick with a cool story line-think about it a government cover-up about AIDS medicine! O.k. Dean Cain does a good job as a convincing reporter who won't let go of a good story and The Boz captures the spotlight in his role as a lethal congressional bad ass with that signature weapon of choice. The Boz needs his own T.V. show as a relentless hit-man of no remorse-that's how good he displays himself in this performance. O.K., end of review-bottom line, yes, it's worth a look-especially if you are a Boz fan, but none the less it's worthy of top reviews for a video that unfortunately went straight to video! Believe me you won't be let down besides it was USA the other morning-can't be that bad!
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