Don't let the other reviewers fool you, this is not the original.
20 February 2006
Okay, its funny and its cute. I may be a little over the age limit expected to see this movie but I liked it. The problem is (which totally ruined the movie for me) is that this is nothing like the Curious George books that I loved as a kid, I have all the books fro gods sake!!! First, The Man in the yellow hat (perfectly voiced by Will Ferrell) never had a name, in this his name is Ted. Second, why does this man need a girlfriend? the books never had any romance. Third, The Man in the yellow hat never had a boss named Mr. BloomsBerry. Fourth, the monkey did not seem at all curious, all he did was walk around causing trouble for the man in the yellow hat and finally it was too long for a little kids movie. This movie is enjoyable but somehow I knew that Hollywood would just try to make this a star studded movie and try to add drama, romance, adventure, city humor and references to King Kong (you'll see them, they're everywhere). I enjoyed the movie but not how bad it screwed up, kids will love it, but people who grew up loving the books will not.
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