Review of Silver Wolf

Silver Wolf (1999 TV Movie)
What scares you the most is what makes you stronger
6 November 2005
(Some Spoilers) Updated version of the Jack London classic "White Fang" the movie "Silver Wolf" is one of the most beautifully photographed outdoors movie that you'll ever see.

Sarting off with the star of the film, the gray wolf Silver, getting shot by rancher John Rockwell, Roy Scheider, and his teenage son Clay, Jade Pawluk. The wounded and bleeding animal is later found in the woods barley alive by Roy McLanan and his 16 year-old nephew Jesse, Micheal Biehn & Shane Meier.

Wanting to shoot the wounded animal to put it out of it's misery young Jesse talks Roy, a park ranger, from doing it by wanting to adopt the wolf as his pet. Hasitent at first Roy agrees to take the wolf, who because of it's white fur coat is named Silver, back to the cabin. After some hair raising experiences, where Silver almost bit off a couple of Jesse's fingers, the wolf bonds with Jesse and becomes like a domesticated dog the boys best friend.

Jesse had being going through a very depressing time as of late when his dad Frank McLean, Shaun Johnston, fell off a snowy cliff, saving his life with Jesse holding himself responsible for his fathers death ever since. It was Silver who was to fill the void that the loss of his father left in his life and bring him out of that depression. But at the same time it was the fact that Silver is a wolf that was to cause Jesse, and his uncle Roy, big trouble for the rest of the movie.

With John Rockwell, who was the one who first shot Silver, the president of the local cattlemen association every thing was done by him and his fellow gauchos to put the wolf down. Even after he was domesticated by Jesse & Roy and was also allowed to enter the annual cross-country skijoaring contest, with Jesse. Which Silver won despite being tormented by John's son Clay who the wolf, incited by Clay sticking a wooden whip in it's face, later attacked.

Jesse had become very friendly with John Rockwell's pretty teenage daughter Lucy, Kimberley Warnat,and to her father's shock and despair she also became very friendly and accepted by Silver. In the end Roy realized that the only way that Sliver could be kept from being shot by the outraged John, who's son he almost scared to death by tearing into,but not injuring, is to send the wolf away to a local zoo.

Jesse feeling that a life in captivity would be as good as a death sentence for his beloved Silver get together one early morning with Lucy and takes Silver in Roy's van into the deep woods around the majestic Cypress Mountain. It's there that lets him loose, with both John and his son Clay trying to gun down Silver, to reunite with the wolf pack that he was separated from when John shot him in the beginning of the movie.

Moving and exciting little film about a world that most of us well never see outside the movie house TV and books and magazines and the people and animals who are part of it. Both Shane Meier and Kimberley Warnat are wonderful as the two young people from two totally different backgrounds who are brought together by a common bond, and friend; Silver.
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