Review of Grindl

Grindl (1963–1964)
Grindle and number stickers
15 September 2005
Goodness! I remember that episode with the stickers for all the objects as well. Hadn't the husband killed his wife and somehow Grindl, in trying to get away from him, falls into a washing machine whose agitator is twisting back and forth? The only other I remember is where she bumps into a guy who is carrying a bag of poisonous mushrooms. He picks up her package of non-poisonous ones by mistake. Later she goes to work for a guy, not knowing that he's planning on killing her. She makes a meal of the poisonous mushrooms, he eats them, and then while he's about to feed her through a saw, he collapses. I can't remember how she was saved.

The theme music was funny, too. I remember she crossed the street and didn't mind the cars. She even hits one of them with her umbrella when it comes to a screeching halt.
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