Childish and dull
29 June 2005
Well, what can I say, I'm surprised that I made it through the whole movie. I just felt an urge to leave the cinema since the very beginning. Not that I dislike Lohan, but this one was really a bad film. Not funny, cute or whatsoever, all I was thinking during this childish and dull film was that I could have spent so much better my time and money.

Somehow, the idea of Herbie fitted so much better back in the 80's. Now is just naive and extremely unbelievable, even for a child. Kids aren't stupid, and they deserve a good plot and character development as well. I wonder why the filmmakers insists on bringing up idiotic ideas when it comes to shoot a "family movie". ¿Do they think that just because children are their main target, they have to reduce all the ideas to moronic behavior and clown jokes? Believe me, there's nothing in Herbie that a grown up should enjoy (besides, Lindsay Lohan's anatomy was "reduced "to please the audiences ¿can you believe that?). So, if you're not a 5 years old kid, stay away from this one.

Speaking of her, Lindsay should choose better her roles. She's not a kid anymore, and she's talented indeed ¿so why keep choosing this childish movies? "Mean Girls" was alright, because it was witty, but her latter movies had been so dull! I hope she realizes that her characters should grow up as she might as well.
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