A generations final journey is perfect for this film
8 May 2005
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this movie was bad but it isn't up to Star Trek standards. This movie had a great idea and perfect setting for the television show but not for a motion picture. This plot would have been better off used for a two part show at the end of an era. They learned this at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. That ending was perfect for a television show. This movie did have some good to it. The idea of the evil seen puts a close to what happened in the television series. The romulans were still a touchy subject during DS9 and we see some what of a close to this chapter. The action in this film is OK standard but not what you think of Star Trek. Many things in this film have upset me on how they handled this situation. There would have been many ways the Federation would have used this opportunity to make peace without just using Captain Picard. Some characters in this movie weren't used to their fullest potential or character that was built up to in the past.

Though this film had a lot of rough spots in it, it did have its qualities. I was pleased to see how some of the characters ended this saga. This film could have been a lot better and a lot worse. This era of Star Trek did not leave on a high note but they did start the finish of their story and that is what I am pleased about.
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