Review of Breathless

Breathless (1983)
When Cheese Goes Bad
21 April 2005
This may actually be the most completely vapid film I have endured to date. Based on the famous French film of the same name, BREATHLESS offers the story of a wannabe rebel and petty criminal who accidentally kills a police officer--and promptly goes on the run with the aid of his unsuspecting girlfriend. But where the original constantly surprised, the remake is uninspired, insipid, and about as enjoyable as a root canal.

The big problem with the film is Richard Gere. To give him his due, Gere knocks himself out to inject some life into the predictable plot and mindless script, but there's no way around it: he's incredibly miscast, and his high-energy attempt to bring it off simply adds to the embarrassment. Ultimately, the best thing that can be said for him is that he looks good naked. Valerie Kaprisky operates at much the same level: she too looks good naked, and that's about all one can say for her one way or another.

That aside, the whole thing has the look and feel of a group of people trying desperately to do something "different" and "artistic" and failing miserably at every turn. The film looks glossy and expensive, but the production designs are never quite on target and the costuming is some of the worst I've ever seen; the cinematography is jumpy, but never to any actual point; and director Jim McBride either doesn't know what statement he is trying to make or simply doesn't have the skill with which to communicate it. At best, it is all pretentious; at worst, you won't be able to decide between a stiff drink, a pain-killer, or just simply gouging out your eyes so you won't have to watch any more. Life is too short as it is; don't waste your hours on this one.

Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer
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