Review of G.O.R.A.

G.O.R.A. (2004)
Pretty Fun
22 March 2005
Despite a lot of complaints that non-Turks would not find this funny, I did. I have seen it twice now. I do quite enjoy it and find much of it funny, with some parts extremely funny. Granted, a few things were not especially original, or were pretty tired or crude without being humorous to me, but these were minor problems and films like this always have some jokes that don't appeal to everyone. I cannot say I don't like a movie simply because I personally don't like some of the jokes or gags. Overall, the film was quite well-done and most of the jokes or spoofs of culture and films worked quite well.

One fun thing is to see this sort of film made from a Turkish perspective, rather than American. It puts a new twist on some things, even jokes that we've seen before or which would have been in an American or other film.

In part, I am sure my enjoyment of the film is helped by the fact that, while hardly being fluent in Turkish, I do know some Turkish and am quite familiar with the country. Therefore, while there are a number of very Turkey-specific jokes, I was able to enjoy at least some of them. I would therefore agree that a decent understanding of at least Turkish culture and recent history, if not the language, will enhance one's enjoyment of the film.

Other humour in the film seems pretty universal. As a result, there are quite a lot of jokes and spoofs that I know many Americans and Western Europeans would get. Again, while some are tired or crude, many are really quite funny and pulled off quite well.

I think that my biggest complaint is that some themes were not taken far enough. For example, more could have been done with the carpet salesman thing since that part was really quite funny and had more potential than the film exploited.

In the end, this is a pretty well-made, funny, and entertaining film. It could have been better, but it works well and should provide quite a few laughs, especially if one knows much about Turkey. It's rather silly, but that is pretty much the point, and the silliness here is mostly quite entertaining.

Although not really relevant for my discussion, I shall add that this film is also a milestone for Turkish cinema in terms of the special effects and production values for a film of this sort. I think it's important to recognize this, even though I was primarily concerned with giving my opinion of the film's content, etc. Thus, while one may be able to criticize some visuals compared to some big-budget Hollywood films, the production values/special effects are pretty good, especially considering the context.
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