Wiseguys vs. Zombies (2003 Video)
a troma release so you know what your getting
23 February 2005
Troma isn't known for putting out movies that would be considered mainstream or even quality.But fans of troma's brand of off kilter humor and gore know exactly what they are getting when they pick up one of their movies and thats what makes Troma so great is that they push the boundaries of film and offer something different to the movie watching public. Case in point is the Zombies vs. Satan Double Digital Creature Feature Dogpile 95 DVD.Home made movies of low to no budgets this DVD features Wiseguys vs. Zombies and Meat For Satans Icebox.Wiseguys vs. Zombies deserved this honor more than Meat for Satans Icebox.I'm really surprised that it didn't get its own release instead of sharing the disk with Icebox.Don't get me wrong Meat For Satans Icebox isn't bad, its just not that good.Other than seeing Mr Troma Lloyd Kaufman in the role of a mad doctor, the movie just doesn't have much going for it. Wiseguys vs. Zombies is more entertaining and more fitting of troma's outstanding stable of alternative cinema. The acting was damn impressive, especially the two leads for a picture of this kind.The music was good and the story was funny as hell.The zombies didn't show up until the movie was almost over though.A lot of build up to a mediocre climax.That isn't really a problem for the movie the director just should have started the zombie action earlier. Some of the funnier parts were a surprise.We couldn't stop laughing when the first zombie was killed and the expression on the hitmans face was so funny that we rewind that scene at least a dozen times.The gore could have been beefed up a bit but wasn't bad.Perhaps the director of Wiseguys vs. Zombies should have put his money together with the director of Meat From Satans Icebox and they could have made a bigger budget version of Wiseguys Vs. Zombies. Meat From Satans Icebox was just not any good.We turned it off about 20 minutes in to it and had to finish it later.Lucky for Troma they paired it up with Wiseguys vs. Zombies to salvage the first volume of the Dogpile series.Troma should really consider giving WIseguys Vs. Zombies its own disk with some extra features and sell it at a cheaper price because it is the only reason to buy the Zombies Vs. Satan Double feature. Tromaniac
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