Footballers' Wives (2002–2006)
13 October 2004
One has to question the mentality of the British people when so many of them tune in daily to the kind of filth we see so often on our screens. Footballers Wives is a classic example of this. It glorifies every aspect of human greed, selfishness and immorality and does not in any way portray the real lives of our sporting heroes (or their spouses) in an accurate or favourable way. Instead it shows these people as nothing more than shallow headed imbeciles who believe wealth and fame is the ticket to eternal happiness. Of course, the real objective of Footballers Wives is not to idolise the lifestyles of the cast, quite the opposite, it is to demonstrate that what they are doing is slowly destroying themselves. Abusing their bodies through excessive drinking and drug-taking and indulging in practically every sexual vice going, will in the end be the destruction of everything they cherish. It is probably worth remembering that most of the people we consider 'celebrities' are no different to ordinary people. They just have a talent to do something good. Either they can sing, dance, act or play sport. But besides this, they are just human like the rest of us. The real heroes and celebrities in this world are the ones who don't seek publicity or wealth. They don't aspire to the vain trappings of a materialistic lifestyle either. Instead, they just live their lives as ordinary decent hard working individuals trying to achieve what is best for themselves and their neighbors.
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