Wiseguys vs. Zombies (2003 Video)
Pleasantly surprised at how much fun this was
7 June 2004
A friend of mine had gotten this movie from one of the guys who made it, and he passed it on to me. He explained that it was one of those very low budget movies, and not to expect too much from it. But on retrospect, I have to say that it was a pretty good movie. The special effects were somewhat cheesy, and it looks like it was shot on a home video camera, but the characters were good enough to keep me interested and the movie was actually funny. At least it was better than some of the dreck I've rented lately. So what if it didn't have much to work with, it still made us laugh and had a couple of parts that stood out in my mind.

The story is as follows: There are two hit men, one a young arrogant loudmouth, and the other the clichéd older/wiser and more subtle hit-man, who also happens to be a Christian. The hit men have to transport a drug (just called The Drug) to a Cuban guy in Miami. But their car is impounded by a hillbilly sheriff, and soon enough they have redneck zombies to contend with. The drug seems to only affect the zombies faces because their necks, arms, and other visible body parts look normal. This only adds to the comedy of this flik, I figure the producers didn't have the money to make up the rest of the actors bodies. The hit men have to clean up the epidemic before the Mafia sends in a cleaner to finish it for them. This allows for some decent gore scenes, including an exploding head, chainsaw kills, and plenty of gun fire. Characters are introduced, then quickly killed off or transformed into zombies. The only problem with this is that I would have liked to have seen more of the beer guzzling redneck and his goats. Funny stuff. And I think that the entire movie takes place over the course of one day.

I would recommend this movie to fans of zombie films or those who like their horror "lite" and their comedy sick.
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