Wiseguys vs. Zombies (2003 Video)
The funniest VS. film ever!
2 November 2003
WvZ tells the story of two mafia hitmen ordered to deliver a drug and three bodies to some guy called "The Cuban" in Miami. When their car is impounded by the sheriff of a redneck town, the hitmen discover that their package has created a horde of redneck zombies. Sounds like a winner to me! The movie starts slow, and drags in more than a couple of places, but once the undead pop up, the real fun begins. And who can forget the barn scene? I was in attendence for the "premiere" of this low budget comedy (horror?) and, while it didn't have the best script to work with, it more than made up for it's shortcomings by delivering the goods- blood, gore, and some of the funniest "down south" scenes this side of Deliverance! I give it *** out of *****, could have been more, but overall, it accomplished its goal- entertaining the audience with its truly demented humor.
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