Quite simply Hysterical!
17 September 2004
I avoided seeing Strange Bedfellows at the cinema after reading a couple of less than favourable reviews, so it was with some trepidation that I hired the DVD, however it is wonderful! As a gay man I was terrified the film would fall into gay bashing and ridicule and whilst there are some strong stereotypes represented the overall charm and message of the film is delightful. Michael Caton is terrific as Ralph, a simple mechanic from small town Australian. Ralph is the type of bloke we all want as our uncle. Honest, dependable and while a bit conservative, a man with a heart of gold. Paul Hogan (forgive me all you Hogan haters) is wonderful! I can't believe I'm saying this but the man many of us have grown to hate gives a lovely performance as Vince, the local cinema owner. 'Hoges' surprisingly gives the film real heart and shows a vulnerability I haven't seen him show before in his other work. I won't go through the story points again, other than saying Strange Bedfellows is a hilarious, grossly underrated Aussie movie and one that I'm sure will find a very loyal audience from straight, gay, lesbian, transgender movie lovers who will see this film in the spirit the filmmakers obviously made it to be. Good luck to it!
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