Ankle Biters (2002 Video)
This is one cool movie!
24 March 2003
I read some of these reviews. It's pretty obvious this movie had a budget of about 2 dollars. So what more could you expect? I thought this movie was AWESOME. The guys who made this had to be pretty smart to get a movie this low budget released all over the world. Take a funny line, (Ankle Biters) and have the movie be about midget vampires...brilliant! It made all of you check it out. I thought it was funny, well shot for no money, and I really liked the chick dancing in the cage in a thong. And where did they find all these midgets? The main character (halfbreed dude) was really funny with his midget sidekick talking s**t to each other. If you want to see a 20 million dollar movie, go see one. If you want to see a movie made with NO money and a bunch drunk looking midgets getting the S*hit kicked out of them in some redneck town and laugh your as* off, then check out Ankle Biters.
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