Powder Keg (2001)
The most intense and disturbing of the BMW Films.
8 August 2001
Powder Keg is most unlike the other BMW films. It's as different in its way as Star was. Where Star was humorous and light, Powder Keg is dark and bloody. The first of the films that deserves and R Rating, it has profanity and violence unlike the others; sensitive viewers beware. That said, its story is well written. The photographer's sense of frustration over not having done enough to help those he photographs, the oppressive presence of armed militia everywhere, the desperate need to make the border against overwhelming forces, and most of all, the bloody back seat of the vehicle, all paint a picture of doom and gloom for the characters. The scene at the end with the mother explains the earlier comment by the photographer, "My mother taught me to see." The driver's feelings of loss and failure, assuaged not at all by delivering the dog tags, is well acted out.

I hope this isn't the end for this fine series.
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