Review of Mercy

Mercy (2000)
Ellen & Peta= Erotic Thriller
19 June 2000
It's completely refreshing to see a movie live up to its video store movie box cover hype. I hadn't heard of this movie so I didn't know what to expect. Mercy delivers in a big way. This movie about serial killings occurring among a group of S/M lesbians was thoroughly enjoyable and DEFINITELY watchable. The violence, blood, gore, nudity, and sex was served up splendidly. The plot, and the movie moves along at a nice pace. Ellen Barkin is, I think, one the sexiest women in Hollywood. Peta Wilson(from La Femme Nikita television series) is hot! hot! hot! I don't watch her tv series but now I just may start. Easily figuring out who the killer was was the only weakness of the movie for me. Otherwise, if you don't mind watching this type of movie then go and pick it up. You will certainly feel "guilty and pleasured", as one other reviewer put it. 9/10
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