Two Beautiful True Stories of Sympathy of Two European Couples
8 July 2004
1) `Aart and Johtje Vos'

Directed by Tim Hunter

In Amsterdam, in the Second World War, Aart Vos (Martin Donovan) and Johtje Vos (Dana Delany) is a Dutch couple, who jeopardize their own family lives lodging many Jews in their house. In a moment, they have thirty-six persons living and sharing their rationed food with them. My vote is eight.

2) `Marie Taquet'

Directed by Lynne Littman

In Jamoigne, Belgium, in the Second World War, Emile Taquet (Alfred Molina) and Marie Taquet (Linda Hamilton) is a couple without children, who takes care of eighty boys in a school, most of them Jews, like they were their own sons. In the end of the war, the parents and relatives come to have their sons back, and the orphans are not allowed to be adopted by them and are sent to Palestine. My vote is eight.

Both true stories are very beautiful and show that even in the worst periods of mankind, good persons do exist, no matter their nationalities, ethnic groups or religions. Impossible not empathize with such persons, who made the difference and deserve this homage for what they did, showed through these films. A great moment is when the picture of the real Madame Taquet is shown in the end of the story with the information that, in 1988, all the boys came together to visit her, and on the following year she died. It seems that her mission on Earth had finished. My vote in IMDB is eight.

Title (Brazil): `Histórias de Coragem 2 – Dois Casais' (`Stories of Courage: Two Couples')
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