Waterworld (1995)
One of the worst movies ever, yeah!
4 August 2001
Bad movies amaze me. Nothing can be more fun in the Saturday evening than settling in my favorite chair with a couple of beers and a remote, then finding a really bad movie and enjoying it to the full extent of its stupidity. I love finding plot holes in lame scripts, predicting cliched lines of cartoonish characters, and making fun of lousy acting. To me, Waterworld was just what I needed. I laughed and I cried for 2 1/2 hours. After the final credits rolled I booted up my laptop and logged on to IMDB with the intention of writing a praise to this masterpiece of bad-movie-making. I thought the fun was over. Wrong. In the user reviews I read this, and I quote:

"Star Wars makes me laugh,Terminator-2 makes me cry,WATERWORLD makes me THINK."

After reading this, I literally fell off my chair. Now, the Usenet acronym "ROTFL" has a whole new meaning to me. Damn Ukrainians and their twisted sense of humor.

Rating: 1/10, yeah!
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