Mary Tyler Moore's Best Performance ever.
29 June 2001
I saw this movie one day when i was bored on the family channel. ive always loved mary tyler moore and i didnt know about this movie. well after i saw it i was very impressed with all of the actors including mary tyler moore. probably her best performance ever.

Anyway the movie is about a boy who is visiting his aunts in a deep southern town for the summer. when he gets there he meets his aunts Earline(Linda lavin) Sally Ann(Shirley Knight) and Jessica(Mary Tyler Moore). Now Jessica is "slow" and is somewhat retarded and need alot of special help she is in her 50's but acts like a child. Freddie(the boy played wonderfully by Nathan Watt) takes a fancy to Jessica and trys to help her. he finds out there was a dark secret and it parralized jessica permantly some 40 years earlier. old ghost and skelletons get draged out while earline and sally ann are trying to "over protect" Jessica Freddie is trying to help her and help her over come her fears and find out what the seceret was and who was keeping it. a very well produced made for TV movie and wonderfull sothern locations. try and see if its on video somewhere.
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