For the diehard David Duchovny fan only
20 October 1998
Face it. There's a four word explanation for why you *might* want to see this film. "David Duchovny as Billy". Unless this kind of self-infatuated dialogue-driven "action" is your bag. Maggie Wheeler, as Lucy, actually turns in a fine performance as well, but I have to tell Jaglom the same thing I'd tell Tarantino: "Quit putting yourself in your own films. It makes you look pathetic." And whether or not he's acting, Jaglom doesn't have Tarantino's sense to play an *interesting* character once he's in his own movie. He has to play the same annoying know-it-all, fish out of water. Now, back to David Duchovny. He plays a sex-addicted playboy, Lucy's boyfriend. Be kind, it's his first film, and strange to see him so young. But there's no denying who that wonderful voice belongs to. Oh, and halfway through, he pulls a full-frontal scene in the hall, right before he's kicked unceremoniously (and naked) out of the apartment. Watch this right before you watch the X-Files or another Duchovny film like "The Rapture", "Kalifornia" or "X-Files: Fight the Future." It's nice to see the progress he made as an actor. Even with this first performance, it's easy to see that Duchovny is an heir to the Buster Keaton throne of underacting.
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