Review of Dune

Dune (1984)
Not as bad (or as good) as they say.
6 December 1999
There is always a problem with taking a great book to the screen: The ideas in books are told in words, ideas in movies are mostly told in pictures with words as backup. Complicated, abstract ideas don't photograph well. When I saw Dune the first time, I had to keep leaning over to explain things to my wife. (I'd read Dune, she hadn't.) I thought it was an occasionally interesting, generally middle of the road picture. She hated it. (Patrick Stewart as Gurney Halleck is the best part, according to both of us. It's a gem in poor setting.)

Read the book first, so you can fill in the (huge) plot gaps, then try the movie, without expecting too much, and you'll probably enjoy the good parts.
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