A Masterpiece of thought provoking cinema.
27 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
****May contain Spoilers****

This small Australian film is a slow burning classic, and deserves to be seen by many more people.

Every aspect of the film is handled perfectly; stirling performances, excellent set design, and superb direction that contrasts the measured response of the courtroom to the difficulty of acting honourably in battle. The stresses put upon the soldiers in the field are conveyed superbly, particularly, when set against the sterility of the court scenes.

What makes this such a magnificent film is not merely portrayal of the injustice meted out to the defendants, but the fact that everyone in the film is depicted as doing the best they can under different moral systems. Despite the obvious wrong done to the three Australian soldiers, with whom the films loyalties clearly lie, the prosecutors are not portrayed as out and out monsters.

Even Kitchener, who essentially orders the sacrifice of the soldiers as a political move, is acting from a utilitarian standpoint. "God damn it Johnny, I am not trying to prove some academic point here, I am just trying to find an end to this useless war"

For me the most poignant character is the judge, who has to make the casting vote. The final decision rests on his shoulders, despite the fact he sides with the authorities, the guilt and sadness when delivering the verdict are clear to see. For a film which is about a travesty of justice to do this is admirable. In Breaker Morant, as in war, it seems not everything is black and white.

The great problem with films such as this, is that they tend to "become fact". Having read up on the background to this film, which in itself is a testament to it's power, it is pleasing to see that not only is this a truly great war film, but also no real liberties were taken with the facts.

Even the final summary by Major Thomas is by and large unaltered from the original transcripts, and never has a more articulate sentiment been expressed in a war film.

If you haven't seen this, see it, you owe it to yourself.
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