Superior horror movie, but not as innovative or important as some say
26 September 2001
Having read some reviewers say that Halloween was a rip-off of Black Christmas, I watched this movie and I'm relieved to say it's not really the case, since Halloween is the summum of horror movies for me. There is not a lot in common between the two movies that I can think of: madman killing people, heavy breathing/mysterious killer and nice POV camera work. I liked the POV in this movie, but it wasn't as effective as in Halloween because we see from the killer perspective before he commits a murder, therefore there was not really any suspense in those scenes, since we know where the killer is. In Halloween, the POV is used to create suspense when the killer is prowling, but it's not used before the murders, the fear of the unknown is what works best for me in those cases.

Also, some people seem to think this movie invented POV in horror movies or the slasher flick. This is far from the truth, people should check some of Mario Bava's work or Peeping Tom. It was still an interesting stepping stone for the genre, but nothing innovative.

Still, I found the first half chilling and interesting, but after a few murders, the movie became a little tedious because of the dumb script and predictable plot in the second half. Still, this movie gave me some chills in the first 30 minutes, I liked the bleak ending and the nice camera work and atmosphere, so it all adds up to a superior horror movie, well worth seeing but not quite a classic.

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