Review of Probe

Probe (1972 TV Movie)
Sophisticated high-tech fun
1 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
"Probe" was the pilot for the series "Search", which lasted barely a year. If the series had stuck to the quality of this pilot, it might have been a hit, but NBC wouldn't let Leslie Stevens make the series on his own; they interfered and killed the show. Hugh O'Brian was a natural for the suave, polished lead; he was never at a loss for words. Burgess Meredith played the head of the "secret agency", who presided over the monitoring of Hugh's vital signs from the control room via high-tech spy equipment on Hugh's person. Several technicians helped Burgess in this endeavor, one of them the gorgeous Angel Tompkins. She frequently made catty and snide but very funny remarks about Hugh's hormonal reactions to the beautiful women he encountered, and since he could hear what she said via his earpiece, he frequently shot a quip back at her. This, and Burgess' performance, were the highlights of the show, and were quite entertaining.

The story involves a set of 6 missing jewels, which John Gielgud wants the Probe team to recover. Elke Sommer, Lilia Skalia and Alfred Ryder are also involved in some way with the jewels, and it's up to Hugh to figure out who's telling the truth since there is obviously more to this story than he was told. I enjoyed this show very much; it was extremely well-done and it's too bad they didn't continue on in this way.
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