This is the movie Ed Wood Jr would have made if he'd had the money (SPOILERS AHEAD!)
18 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
What a great movie. The photography is of a much higher standard than the script or the special effects, but that's why I love movies like this. There's a wonderful moment when a naval communications guy momentarily puts the mic to his ear to make a radio call, before quickly putting it to his mouth instead. Just like Ed Wood's wobbly grave stones, there seemed to be no thought of a retake. I also enjoyed the lack of continuity between cuts of a close up and a wide shot of the little girl talking to the rabbits. One second the rabbit is up, next it's asleep. The editor cuts back and forth hoping you wont notice. There are also some great editing moments between shots of the divers swimming the murky weed-free depths of the lake, which cut to close ups of the actors in diving helmets placed behind a tank with drifting seaweed. No matter where the divers swim, it always cuts back to the same tank with the same bits of seaweed. Priceless.

My favourite moment in the film is the final showdown between Twill and the monster ( a giant crustacean). After throwing some glass beakers at it he looks desperately around for another weapon. "Take the axe on the wall!" the entire audience cries, but instead he grabs a fire extinguisher and gently sprays it with powder. Obviously they didn't want to hack it to bits as they still had to shoot other scenes with it in.

All in all, it's a very entertaining movie. Some of the special effects are quite good, like the dead bodies drained of all their fluids. However, the first glimpse of the monster in its underwater cave will have you laughing so hard you'll choke on your popcorn.
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