Tessa Thompson credited as playing...
Josie Radek
- Josie Radek: [to Lena, about the Shimmer] Ventress wants to face it. You want to fight it. But I don't think I want either of those things.
- Josie Radek: Imagine dying frightened and in pain and having that as the only part of you which survives.
- Josie Radek: At first I thought the radio waves were blocked by the shimmer and that's why no one inside could communicate with base or GPS but the light waves aren't blocked, they're refracted and...
- Josie Radek: [takes her walkie talkie out of her bag and turns it on] It's the same with the radios. Signals aren't gone, they're scrambled. That leaf in your hand, do you know what you'd get if you sequenced it?
- Lena: What?
- Josie Radek: Human Hox genes.
- Anya Thorensen: Hox? What does "Hox" mean?
- Lena: They're the genes that define the body plan, the physical structure.
- Josie Radek: And the plants have human body plan. Arms attached to shoulders, legs to hips.
- Lena: It's literally not possible.
- Josie Radek: It's literally what's happening. The Shimmer is a prism, but it refracts everything. Not just light and radio waves... animal DNA, plant DNA, all DNA.
- Anya Thorensen: What you mean "all DNA"?
- Dr Ventress: She's talking about our DNA. She's talking about us.