Oscar Isaac credited as playing...
- Kane: I thought I was a man. I had a life. People called me Kane. And now I'm not so sure. If I wasn't Kane, what was I? Was I you? Were you me?
- Kane: I was just looking at the moon. It's always so weird seeing it like that in the daylight.
- Lena: Like God made a mistake. Left the hall lights on.
- Kane: God doesn't make mistakes. That's... somewhat key to the whole "being a god" thing.
- Lena: Pretty sure he does.
- Kane: You know he's listening right now, don't you?
- Lena: You take a cell, circumvent the Hayflick limit, you can prevent senescence.
- Kane: I was about to make the exact same point.
- Lena: It means the cell doesn't grow old, it becomes immortal. Keeps dividing, doesn't die. They say aging is a natural process, but it's actually a fault in our genes.
- Kane: I get really turned on when you patronize me. It's really hot.
- Lena: Without it, I could keep looking like this forever.
- Kane: Oh, okay. Well, that could constitute a mistake.
- [kisses her]