This is directed by a guy who has only made 4 films in his entire life and the last one was 30 years ago about Dolly Parton. This give you an idea where the movie is going.
In the dumpster.
The first 15 minutes is a voice over car chase done in CGI with a guy purported to be controlled by the devil. It's sleep inducing.
Cut to what they say is NY but nothing looks like NY and everybody is speaking with a British accent.
Cut to New Orleans. Supposedly some old Alester Crowley house but it's clearly a tourist spot. You can see the fees to get in and tour on the wall!
Lots of the shots were clearly filmed in England. You can tell by the electrical outlets.
30 minutes into this garbage and no Bai Ling or Michael Madson or Tom Sizemore yet. They are supposed to be the stars.
Finally, Sizemore arrives, as large as Orson Welles, filmed against a plain white background and obviously did this god know where but the guy he interacts with isn't there at the time of filming. He's a voice over! And cutaways of him were added at a later date!
Horrible. This is a train wreck. I would have shut this off by now but I thought I'd sit around for Ling and Madsen.
Glutton for punishment.
Bai Ling is next on the agenda, filmed so dark you can't see her.
It's so dark, I'm not sure what I saw. I'm not even sure what her segment is about or how it relates to the movie, but all of a sudden, the guy has a giant bird tattoo on his back. It wasn't there 5 minutes ago!
Then there's a bunch of voice overs with Sizemore that are complete duplicates of what he said before.
Bai shows up again and the guy doesn't seem to recognize her as the girl thatwas with him 10 minutes earlier.
50 minutes into this and Madsen finally comes in, looking like total crap. He's in it for no more than 3 minutes and back to NYC.
With 15 minutes to go Bai ling shows up a third time.
The movie made zero sense. I can't believe I stuck with it. It sucked big time. Don't Bother. Your Time is More Valuable.