Jude Law credited as playing...
Dr. Jonathan Banks
- Dierdre Banks: [about taking beta blocker] Is it bad that I'm doing this?
- Dr. Jonathan Banks: Everyone takes them. Lawyers, musicians - people going to interviews for big jobs. It doesn't make you anything you're not. It just makes it easier for you to be who you are.
- Dr. Jonathan Banks: I'm a psychiatrist, Miss Taylor. Normally, when people hit things with their car, there are skidmarks on the pavement. A brick wall is a pretty good reason to use the brakes, turn the wheel. You didn't do that.
- Dr. Jonathan Banks: She's not depressed.
- Assistant District Attorney: Yeah. And you didn't catch it and someone died. And I didn't catch it and someone didn't go to jail. We failed.
- Dr. Jonathan Banks: I want to start her on this. It's called an SSRI. It affects the neurotransmitter in the brain called Serotonin.
- Martin Taylor: And what does that do exactly?
- Dr. Jonathan Banks: It helps stop the brain from telling you you're sad.
- Dr. Jonathan Banks: [He and his wife are standing in their kitchen] It was during my residency, there was a walk-in clinic at the university. I saw her maybe three times. She called the suicide hotline every other night, even when she saw other people there. She was a paranoid schizophrenic and a drug addict, a very sick girl. She stalked me, she knew where I lived.
- Dierdre Banks: She said you took her to London
- Dr. Jonathan Banks: Never
- Dierdre Banks: [Referring to the letter on the table] Why are they writing this?
- Dr. Jonathan Banks: Their daughter committed suicide and left a very graphic note naming me. It never happened. Look, it's not unusual for there to be emotional transference between a patient and a therapist.
- Dierdre Banks: [Referring again to the letter] 'Had you perform oral sex in your car'?
- Dr. Jonathan Banks: Never! It was a fantasy.
- Dr. Jonathan Banks: [about electroshock] It's in our best interest that you start forgetting.