10 of 19 found this mild
A guy makes sexual gestures with a flashlight.
Brian strips and walks to jump in a pond, his bare backside seen.
Elizabeth and Todd make out in the woods, he removes her top, but only her bare back and a partial side breast seen. Seen from a distance, through underbrush.
8 of 12 found this moderate
Bigfoot attacks and injures and kills several people. A compound fractured leg seen. A trailer rolls down a hill with people inside. Several dead bodies seen.
9 of 13 found this severe
2 shocking uses of "jesus f***ing christ" and "jesus motherf***er".
Over 100 f-words, over 50 s-words, 9 h--l, a few d--n, b---h, b-----d. Some slang terms for anatomy.
4 of 11 found this moderate
Beer bottles seen in the cabin, implying the 5 campers are drinking.
Brian smokes pot several times.
6 of 11 found this severe
Bigfoot attacks a cabin with people inside, later attacks a trailer with people inside.
Bigfoot chases people in the woods.