- Yara: My children will never see the temple in Tadmor, Palmyra, built by the Romans and destroyed by the Islamic State. When you have half of your country in rubble and you see this, it makes me want to cry. What will Syria be like in a thousand years? How many years to cut the stones, to lift the weight, to imagine the light? How many brilliant minds? How much sweat? How many people working together? Such a beautiful place*. Makes me want to hope again. When they torture. When they target hospitals. When they murder doctors. When they use chlorine gas. When the world stands by and does nothing. That's when the regime laughs' when the world does nothing. That's what they do to break us. It takes strength to hope, but they want to smash it. It takes faith to hope. We tried to build something new, something beautiful. And look at us. Thrown to the wolves. I have a friend who calls hope obscene. Maybe she's right. But if I stop hoping, my heart will stop beating.