108 of 116 found this to have none
A man kisses a pregnant woman's clothed stomach and then her forehead.
We see a portion of a man's bare back and chest as he works out shirtless.
98 of 107 found this severe
Theres much more that isn't mentioned on here, a lot of it being graphic and bloody. The worst parts tend to be the stabbings.
The villain kill one of the men with a hammer although it wasn't shown.
A police officer axed a man in the chest with a pickaxe with blood spurts showing.
a policeman stabs and slices the throat of a bad guy with a broken tubelight. It is very graphic and contains a lot of gore. scene lasts for about 15-20 seconds
Despite strong bloody violence, there is relatively little gore beyond some potential brain matter and it features no discernible actions like decapitations, disembowelments, or dismemberments.
Due to the film's relatively modest budget, the lighting is quite dark, and as a result a lot of the violence is rather hard to see.
Level of violence: 10/10. Extremely violent and gory.
R violence type: blood, gore, brutal and graphic.
The violence is very brutal but almost never gory, some injury detail at worst but nothing too extreme.
Strong brutal bloody violence.
53 of 74 found this severe
Strong language.
Around 57 uses of 'fuck', 11 uses of 'shit', 4 uses of 'prick', 1 use of 'cunt', and 1 use of 'bitch'.
Name-calling (maniac, mad dog, cockroaches, quaky, old, bone-headed, stubborn and stupid.)
Keep in mind the film's only spoken language is Indonesian. Most of the language is in subtitles, however there are some English dubs that contain a little more language.
43 of 69 found this mild
We see a room filled with men who appear to be manufacturing drugs (presumably meth.)
We see men and women smoking what is implied to be heroin.
A man and a woman appear to be using drugs when they are interrupted by another man walking into the room.
A man instructs a group of men to take dead men's "stash" (implied to be drugs).
Throughout the film, we see different men smoking cigarettes.
64 of 79 found this severe
The fights are very intense.
This is a very action-packed movie. More violent as the John Wick franchise.