Miriam F. Glover credited as playing...
- Big Daddy: Uh, Betina?
- Betina: Yessir, Big Daddy?
- Big Daddy: Uh...
- [to Schultz]
- Big Daddy: What's your Jimmie's name again?
- Dr. King Schultz: Django.
- Big Daddy: Django!
- [to Betina]
- Big Daddy: Betina, sugar, could you take Django there and take him around the grounds here and show him all the pretty stuff?
- Betina: As you please, Big Daddy!
- Dr. King Schultz: Oh, Mr. Bennett, I must remind you, Django is a free man. He cannot be treated like a slave. He... within the boundaries of good taste, he must be treated as an extension of myself.
- Big Daddy: Understood. Betina, sugar?
- Betina: Yes'um?
- Big Daddy: Django isn't a slave. Django is a free man. You understand?
- [Betina pauses]
- Big Daddy: You can't treat him like any of the other niggers around here, 'cause he ain't like any of the other nigger around here. Ya got it?
- Betina: You want I should treat him like white folks?
- Big Daddy: No, that's not what I said!
- Betina: Then I don't know what you want, Big Daddy!
- Big Daddy: Yes, I can see that.
- [turns to Mammy]
- Big Daddy: Uh, what's the name of that peckerwood boy from town that works with the glass? His momma work at the lumberyard...
- Big Daddy's Mammy: Oh, you mean Jerry?
- Big Daddy: That's the boy's name, Jerry!
- [to Betina]
- Big Daddy: You know Jerry, don't ya, sugar?
- Betina: Yes'um, Big Daddy.
- Big Daddy: Well, that's it then! You just treat him like you would Jerry!