- Roger Ebert [Christy Lemire]
- 0 Hours Critics
- A Good Movie to Watch [Savina Petkova]
- Abgeschminkt [Uwe Kraus]
- German
- Acción Cine [Miguel Ángel Espelosin]
- Spanish
- After Misery [S.J.]
- Aisle Seat [Mike McGranaghan]
- Alliance of Women Film Journalists [Serena Seghedoni]
- Aloha Criticón [Antonio Méndez]
- Spanish
- An Opinion or Two [Keith Lawrence]
- Any Good Films? [Simon Hooper]
- Apzomedia
- Arroba Nerd [Miguel Morales]
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- Art Here Art Now [Dora Endre]
- Ashley & Company [Ashley Saunders]
- Austin Chronicle [Jenny Nulf]
- Awards Watch [Sophia Ciminello]
- Back to the Movies [Sean Evans]
- Barton Reviews [Josh Barton]
- Battle Royale with Cheese [Rosalynn Try-Hane]
- Battle Royale with Cheese [Rudie Obias]
- Benzine [Michael Pigé]
- French
- Beyond the Cinerama Dome [Tina Kakadelis]
- Bina007 Movies [Sabina Reeves]
- Blazing Minds [Karen Woodham]
- Buffed Film Buffs [Oliver Folan]
- But Why Tho? A Geek Community [Kate Sánchez]
- Caillou Pettis [Caillou Pettis]
- Cambridge Day [Tom Meek]
- Carmattos [Carlos Alberto Mattos]
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- Casey's Movie Mania [Casey Chong]
- Caution Spoilers [Sarah]
- Chestnoe Kino [Roman Gipsy]
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- CineFacts [Giulia Polidoro]
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- Cinema Babel [Garrett Eberhardt]
- Cinema Nerdz [Chris Williams]
- Cinema Perspective [Garry Arnot]
- Cinema Television Music [Billy Stevenson]
- Cinemagavia [Laura Tabuyo Acosta]
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- Cinemagazine [Sjoerd Crins]
- Dutch
- Cinerama Film [Neil Baker]
- Close-Up [Serhii Ksaverov]
- Ukrainian
- Club do Filme [Bernardo Vilela]
- Portuguese
- Cole Smithey [Cole Smithey]
- Combustible Celluloid [Jeffrey M. Anderson]
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