Eddie Redmayne credited as playing...
- Marius: Oh, my friends! My friends, don't ask me what your sacrifice was for! Empty chairs at empty tables, where my friends shall sing no more.
- Marius: Eponine, you're the friend who has brought me here. Thanks to you, I am with one with the Gods and heaven is near! And I soar through a world that is new, that is free.
- Éponine: [to herself] Every word that he says is a dagger in me. In my life, there has been no one like him anywhere. Anywhere where he is. If he asks, I'll be his.
- Joly: Marius, wake up! What's wrong today? You look as if you've seen a ghost.
- Grantaire: Some wine and say what's going on!
- Marius: A ghost, you say? A ghost, maybe. She was just like a ghost to me. One minute there, then she was gone.
- Grantaire: I am agog! I am aghast! Is Marius in love at last? I've never heard him "ooh" and "aah"! You talk of battles to be won, and here he comes like Don Juan. It is better than an opera!
- Enjolras: It is time for us all to decide who we are. Do we fight for the right to a night at the opera now? Have you asked of yourself what's the price you might pay? Is this simply a game for a rich young boy to play? The colors of the world are changing day by day! Red, the blood of angry men! Black, the dark of ages past! Red, a world about to dawn! Black, the night that ends at last!
- Marius: Do I care if I should die now she goes across the sea? Life without Cosette means nothing at all... Would you weep, Cosette, should Marius fall. Will you weep, Cosette, for me?
- Thénardier: Jean Valjean - the old con. You pay up and I'll say where he's gone.
- Marius: [handing Thénardier money] Not so loud! Here's for you. God forgive us the things that we do.
- Madame Thénardier: How's about some extra on a day so glad. Our little orphan girl, she hasn't done so bad. Raised in a convent, cash to spare - we want our share.
- Thénardier: [Marius hands over yet more money to Madame Thénardier] Quite the little nun, ain't she!
- Marius: [Marius punches Thénardier across the face. He falls through a door. Marius bends down to Thénardier who is almost unconscious] Where is he?
- Thénardier: [cowardly] The convent.
- Enjolras: Where are the leaders of the land? Where is the king who runs this show?
- Marius: Only one man, General Lamarque. Speaks for the people here below!
- Enjolras: Lamarque is ill and fading fast. Won't last the week out, so they say.
- Marius: With all the anger in the land, how long before the Judgment Day?
- Enjolras: Before we cut the fat ones down to size?
- Enjolras, Marius: Before the barricades arise?
- Gillenormad: Marius.
- Marius: Grandfather.
- Gillenormad: Have you any idea of the shame you bring on our family? An utter disgrace.
- Marius: Éponine. What are you doing here?
- Éponine: [pulls out the letter] I kept it from you.
- Enjolras: [to the fellow rebels] Get some of the musketts inside.
- Éponine: It's from Cosette.
- [Marius takes the letter]
- Courfeyrac: [to Enjolras] The rain's going to ruin the gunpowder.
- Éponine: I'm sorry.
- Courfeyrac: [to Enjloras] They're gone. They're gone.
- Marius: [notices Éponine clutching herself] What have you done?
- [Marius realizes that she's been shot]
- Marius: [cradling Éponine] 'Ponine.