10 of 35 found this mild
A woman gives birth, she is completely covered by a hospital gown. No nudity. It is discovered the woman became pregnant by her mothers boyfriend. The main character is shown getting undressed from the side. She is wearing a bra and panties. The scene is brief.
6 of 9 found this moderate
The main character is violently attacked several times during the movie including getting bricks thrown at her, physically hit along with verbal threats. A young boy witnesses most of these attacks. She is shown in a hospital setting getting glass removed from her face. Several deep lacerations are visible on her face. She is also viciously attacked by a dog you see her wounds later as she inspects them under her clothes.
A man and a woman get into a physical altercation. It is implied domestic violence is common in their relationship.
A woman hangs herself. We hear the sound and see the body.
6 of 12 found this mild
Profanity count:n 2 -BS, 3 - *ssholes and 2- *ss, 2 - son of a b*tch, 6 - sh*t, 6+ - F word, 1 - prick, 5 - b*tch, and 2 - b*stard.
Less than 5 F words and a couple of Sh*ts, Jesus Chr*st
6 of 10 found this mild
Scene in a bar, people drinking beer.
6 of 9 found this moderate
The movie is mostly based about an entity that allegedly abducts children. It is a horror/thriller type movie.
The attacks on the main character are violent and intense. The abduction of the children could be frightening for younger viewers. The domestic violence can be disturbing.