- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- FlickFilosopher.com [MaryAnn Johanson]
- 2501.eu [Christopher Haug]
- German
- 365 Movie Guy [Clark Douglas]
- A Good Movie to Watch [Theo]
- A Nutshell Review [Stefan S]
- Afrofilmviewer [Byron Pitt]
- AltIasi.ro [Iosif Prodan]
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- Always Watch Good Movies [Carlos Filipe Freitas]
- An Online Universe [Sam McCosh]
- Andy Buckle's Film Emporium [Andy Buckle]
- Andy's Film Blog [Andy Kaiser]
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- Artechock [Axel Timo Purr]
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- Arts and the City [Alexandros Kyriazis]
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- At Filmnomenon [Eternality Tan]
- Austin Chronicle [Kimberley Jones]
- Avi Offer [The NYC Movie Guru]
- aVoir-aLIre.com [Frédéric Mignard]
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- Badass Digest [Meredith Borders]
- Battleship Pretension [Rita Cannon]
- Beboti [Kenny Howell]
- Ben's Basement [Ben Hayward]
- Big Picture Big Sound [David Kempler]
- Big Thoughts from a Small Mind [Courtney Small]
- BigGayPictureShow.com [Tim Isaac]
- Bina007 Movies [Caterina Benincasa]
- Bloc de Josep
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- Blu-ray.com [Brian Orndorf]
- Blu-ray.com [Michael Reuben]
- blutterbunged.com [Bart Hartgring]
- Bonjour Tristesse
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- Boom
- brutstatt.de [Frank Schmidke]
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- Cine-Skepsis [Nikos Rentzos]
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- Cine.gr [Haris Kalogeropoulos]
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- Cineclub.de [Robert Hauer]
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- Cinefilic.com [Thomas Granger]
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- Cinema Scope Podcast: Nordic Noir's Dark Depths [Andy Nelson]
- Cinema.nl [Sven Gerrets]
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- Cinema365 [Carlos deVillalvilla]
- CinemaBites.es [Israel López]
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- Cinemagavia [Miguel Ángel Santos Isidoro]
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- Cinemagazine [Rob Veerman]
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- Cineminha Zumbacana [Adriano Zumba] (Português-BR)
- Cinenoxos [Nikos Rentzos]
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