Eric Balfour credited as playing...
- Oliver: All right. Let's say we make it out of the building... across the marina, down the docks, we even find your friend's boat and everything. Then what?
- Jarrod: We get the hell away from here!
- Oliver: Where to? Catalina? Down the coast?
- Jarrod: Anywhere but here! Any place is better than staying here!
- Oliver: How do you know? How do you know those things will not follow us? How do you know this isn't happening all over the world? We're safe here. We're here! We're alive!
- Elaine: Jarrod, what are you doing?
- Jarrod: The only thing we can do. Making a run for it!
- Oliver: What's this really about?
- Jarrod: Those things are coming for us!
- Oliver: You think I haven't noticed that? You think I haven't noticed that mess under your shirt? The plan is we stay here and hold up... for good!
- Elaine: I agree!
- Jarrod: You're going to let him decide everything? Look around you! We have no power. No more running water.
- Elaine: Yeah, but you saw what is out there! We will not get 100 yards from this building!
- Jarrod: Yeah, and I would rather take a stupid chance out there trying to make a run for it then staying up here in a 20-story target! Between those things and the radiation, we are dead up here!
- [the group watches the helicopter take off after landing soldiers on the roof of the building next door]
- Candice: Where are they going?
- Jarrod: [to Elaine] Those choppers are coming back for them. We have to go up to the roof and get rescued. We're gonna get out of here.
- Elaine: What if they don't come back? Look what happened to all those planes! What good is it trying to get away in a helicopter? We'll never make it with those things in the air!
- Jarrod: I don't care! We need to take a chance!
- Oliver: A chance? They just nuked a city! And you want to wave hello?
- Jarrod: I'm not kidding anymore, Oliver. You need to back off!
- Oliver: You're in no condition to decide anything and who knows what side you're on? If you go out there and try to run those things will see you and you'll be dead!
- Jarrod: [getting more belligerent] I told you to back off! Don't make me hurt you!
- Oliver: [to Jarrod] All right, I'll bite. What's your plan now, boss man? Because I'm dying for you to tell me.
- [pause]
- Oliver: What? Nothing to say?
- Jarrod: We're sitting on the marina for christ sake!
- Oliver: I've noticed it.
- Jarrod: They're hundreds of boats at the docks...
- Candice: We've been through all this!
- Oliver: Remind us how that worked out last time.
- Jarrod: [trying to think] Well... uh... we... we'll go quietly this time. We wait until... uh... it gets a little quiet then we'll go down the back stairs and uh...
- Oliver: We tiptoe to the marina... on foot in broad daylight with little cover and just search every boat until we find the right one with the key? Great plan!
- Elaine: [to Jarrod] I can't believe you're even suggesting this after what happened!
- Jarrod: What are you saying? What... are you saying that Terry's death was my fault? Are you blaming me for what happened?
- Elaine: I was practically begging you not to go, but you and Terry wouldn't listen to me!
- Jarrod: And if I had, do you really think Terry would have listened to me? Huh?