Bobby Cannavale credited as playing...
Butchie Peraino
- Chuck: But tomorrow's Linda's big day. She needs me. Send somebody else.
- Butchie Peraino: OK. How about I send Linda for the film, and you can spend tomorrow with Harry's cock down your throat?
- Butchie Peraino: [Eating oysters] You know, these are natural aphrodisiacs, honey.
- Dolly: Yeah?
- Butchie Peraino: Yeah, they make you horny.
- Dolly: I'm always horny.
- Gerry Damiano: Did you see this? Look at this. Look at this. Do you see this?
- Butchie Peraino: No shit.
- Gerry Damiano: Oh!
- Butchie Peraino: Wait. Is that real?
- Gerry Damiano: Is she actually doin' that?
- Chuck: Yeah. Right.
- Gerry Damiano: Oh my God!
- Butchie Peraino: Could she do that with a big cock? No offense.
- Chuck: She could do that with anything.
- Gerry Damiano: That's far out. That is - you see that? That is art, baby. That is art.
- Butchie Peraino: Now, this is the prototype. Right? People want blonde hair, *huge* tits, and a nice, beautiful, round ass. Its the harsh reality of our chosen profession.
- Butchie Peraino: Chuck, we are making a movie here. On 35 millimeter. Gerry even wrote a script.
- Gerry Damiano: Forty-two pages.
- Butchie Peraino: Did you hear that? Forty-two fuckin' pages. This thing is gonna be in theaters and people want what they want.
- Butchie Peraino: Chuck, your girl is gonna be a star. That's the value, man. And you - you own the product.
- Butchie Peraino: Did you hear about Goldstein? His magazine gave us 100% on the Peter Meter. Looks like we got a full-blown, *big* titted hit!
- Gerry Damiano: Cut! Cut! Cut! Whoa, Harry? What's a matter? What's happening?
- Harry Reems: I - I - I
- Linda: He came.
- Gerry Damiano: He what? He came? You came? Get outta here. What is this? Your Junior Prom?
- Harry Reems: I know - I didn't - I just wasn't - I - Just give me three minutes. I can go again.
- Linda: I'm really sorry. Did I do something wrong?
- Gerry Damiano, Butchie Peraino, Anthony Romano: No!
- Gerry Damiano: Sweetie.
- Gerry Damiano, Butchie Peraino, Anthony Romano: No! No.
- Butchie Peraino: A girl like Linda - you want to see her name in lights. Linda Lovelace. That's got to go up on a billboard, right? Lovely lace. Lovelace.
- Butchie Peraino: Chuck, your girl, she's cute, she's skinny, she's got no hips. It's like makin' a war movie without the fight.
- Gerry Damiano: Tits and ass - that's the action!