Adam Brody credited as playing...
Harry Reems
- Harry Reems: Linda? Harry. We're getting it on in the next scene.
- Linda: Oh! Hey, its nice to meet you. I thought your name was Dick?
- Harry Reems: My stage name used to be Dick Long. But, it sounded kinda obvious, so, you know.
- Linda: Yeah. I agree.
- Harry Reems: It's a great business, isn't it? Anyway, I just thought I'd come by and introduce myself before we started going at it.
- Gerry Damiano: Cut! Cut! Cut! Whoa, Harry? What's a matter? What's happening?
- Harry Reems: I - I - I
- Linda: He came.
- Gerry Damiano: He what? He came? You came? Get outta here. What is this? Your Junior Prom?
- Harry Reems: I know - I didn't - I just wasn't - I - Just give me three minutes. I can go again.
- Linda: I'm really sorry. Did I do something wrong?
- Gerry Damiano, Butchie Peraino, Anthony Romano: No!
- Gerry Damiano: Sweetie.
- Gerry Damiano, Butchie Peraino, Anthony Romano: No! No.
- Harry Reems: You okay?
- Linda: I'm a little nervous. I never had lines to talk before.
- Harry Reems: We got the best job in the world. We just tune everybody out and live in the moment, like we're the only two people on the planet.
- Linda: Tune everybody out. Live in the moment.
- Harry Reems: Exactly. You're gonna do great. And I can't wait to get it on.
- Hugh Hefner: You, Harry. I'm a big fan of your work.
- Harry Reems: It is truly an honor, sir.
- Hugh Hefner: Well, I used to tell people that *I* had the best job in the world, until I saw what you do.