Emma Stone credited as playing...
Bella Baxter
- Swiney: We must work. We must make money. But more than that Bella, we must experience everything. Not just the good, but degradation, horror, sadness. This makes us whole Bella, makes us people of substance. Not flighty, untouched children. Then we can know the world. And when we know the world, the world is ours.
- Bella Baxter: I want that.
- Swiney: Now go and fuck someone and bring me ten francs.
- Bella Baxter: You are troubled?
- Duncan Wedderburn: Did he lie with you?
- Bella Baxter: No. We were against a wall.
- Duncan Wedderburn: Did you furious jump him?
- Bella Baxter: No. He just fast-licked my clitoris. I had the heat that needed release, so at my request it was.
- [Duncan bashes his head against the bar]
- Bella Baxter: You too may tongue-play me. So I'm not understanding this complicated feeling.
- Duncan Wedderburn: [Sobs hysterically]
- Bella Baxter: Are you now crying?
- Bella Baxter: [Bella pats Duncan awkwardly on the back] What a confusing person you are, Duncan Wedderburn.
- Bella Baxter: This is Martha. She is my new friend who has not been fucked in twenty years! Is that not astonishment? I hope you use your hand between your legs to keep yourself happy?
- Duncan Wedderburn: I will fucking throw you overboard!
- Bella Baxter: So you wish to marry me, or kill me? Is that the proposal?
- [after sex]
- Bella Baxter: Why do people not just do this *all* the time?
- Duncan Wedderburn: [chuckles] Well, at the risk of being immodest: You've just been thrice fucked by the very best. It's probable no other man will ever bring you to the raptures I have. I feel bad for you.
- Bella Baxter: Well, then it will just be *you* I do furious jumping with.
- Duncan Wedderburn: [chuckles] Furious jumping? I love that.
- Bella Baxter: I'm rested. Let us go again.
- Duncan Wedderburn: Again? Unfortunately, even I have my limits. Men cannot keep coming back for more.
- Bella Baxter: It is a physiological problem? A weakness in men?
- Duncan Wedderburn: Mm... well... perhaps so. You'd be advised, if it's not too late, not to fall in love with me. I have very little to offer in the way of constancy. Just adventure.
- Bella Baxter: I see.
- Duncan Wedderburn: Let us sleep.
- Bella Baxter: If I know the world I can improve it.
- Harry Astley: You can't. This is the real point. Don't accept the lie of religion, socialism, capitalism. We are a fucked species. Know it. Hope is smash-able, realism is not. Protect yourself with the truth.
- Bella Baxter: I realize what you are now Harry. Just a broken little boy who cannot bear the pain of the world.
- Harry Astley: I suppose so.
- Bella Baxter: Your sad face makes me discover angry feelings about you.
- Duncan Wedderburn: Right. I have become the very thing I hate. A grasping succubus of a lover. I've pried many of them off me. Now I'm it.
- Dr. Godwin Baxter: I cannot let you go.
- Bella Baxter: Kiss me and set me forth. If you do not, Bella's insides shall turn rotten with hate.
- Duncan Wedderburn: You're always reading now, Bella. You're losing some of your adorable way of speaking.
- Bella Baxter: I am a changeable feast. As are all of we. Apparently according to Emerson, disagreed with by Harry.
- Bella Baxter: I'm so tired. Or maybe just my spirit is. My soul has been buckled, crumpled, flattened Duncan Wedderburn, by the sights I have seen.
- [Bella cries]
- Duncan Wedderburn: Selfish, thoughtless, careless bitch.
- Bella Baxter: I am not thoughtless Duncan. More like, it is true my ability to think things through to the logical conclusion is not strong. I did help those suffering people. I have ruined us as you pointed out. But I do believe my actions came from a good place.
- Duncan Wedderburn: Shut the fuck up!