Tommy Lee Jones credited as playing...
Agent K
- [last lines]
- Griffin: This is my NEW favourite moment in human history... unless this is the one where K forgets to leave a tip...
- [sees a meteor about to hit the Earth in the distant future]
- Agent K: Almost forgot...
- [leaves a tip - a satellite appears and collides with the meteor, rendering the Earth safe]
- Griffin: That was a close one!
- [Z's eulogy]
- Agent K: I worked for Zed for over 40 years, and in all that time he never invited me to dinner. Heve never asked to me to his house to watch a game. He never shared a single detail of his personal life. Thank you.
- Agent O: Thank you, Agent K. That was very moving.
- Agent J: That was your eulogy?
- Agent K: He was a good man.
- Agent O: Ladies, gentlemen, other life forms, when I told the Felucian Zyglot about Zed's passing, she said something that I'm going to repeat. And I'm paraphrasing. Ahem.
- [starts screeching in an alien tongue]
- Agent O: That's just so Zed.
- Boris The Animal: Hello, K.
- Agent K: Boris the Animal.
- Boris The Animal: [angrily] It's just Boris!
- Agent K: You haven't changed very much. I see the arm I shot off is... still shot off.
- Boris The Animal: Yes, my arm.
- [caresses his pet]
- Boris The Animal: We've thought about that moment every day for the last 40 years.
- Agent K: Well, that's just not living a full life.
- Boris The Animal: I can promise you it will be longer than yours.
- Agent K: Lonelier, too, since you're the last Boglodite standing.
- Boris The Animal: We'll see about that. But first, I wanted the pleasure of killing you...
- Agent J: [arrives on the roof] Yo, K.
- [Boris starts shooting spikes at J and K, who use the door that Jay came through as a shield]
- Agent K: Where the hell have you been?
- Agent J: Fishing!
- [Boris continues shooting spikes until J and K fall off of the roof]
- Boris The Animal: You don't know it, K, but you're already dead.
- Agent J: Can you promise me something, if I go first, you'll do better than that at my funeral? Yeah, something like, uh: "J was a friend. Now there's a big part of me that's gone. Oh, J, all the things I should have said, except I was too old and craggy and surly and just tight. I was too tight. Now, I'm gonna just miss your caramel-brown skin."
- Agent K: I'll wing something.
- Agent K: There are things out there you don't need to know about.
- Agent J: That's not the lie you told me when you recruited me!
- Agent K: I promised the secrets of the universe, nothing more.
- Agent J: [on phone] Well, what other secrets are there?
- Agent K: Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to.
- [repeated line]
- Agent K: [Cross-checking Agent J while driving] Did you lose something over here hondo?
- Agent J: You know, there's a really high possibility now that I might know some things you don't know.
- Agent K: I doubt it.
- Agent J: I bet I know what went on between you and O.
- Agent K: She's a very fine lady, but you know the rules: there's no fraternizing among agents.
- Agent J: I think y'all might have fraternized once or twice...
- Agent J: I used to play a game with my dad called "catch", except I would just throw the ball and it'd hit the wall, 'cause he wasn't there.
- Agent K: Don't bad mouth your old man!
- Agent J: I'm not bad mouthing him, I just didn't really know him.
- Agent K: [looking around the restaurant] It's not right...
- Agent J: You damn right, it's not right. A little boy needs a father.
- Agent K: Table 1 hasn't ordered a thing, table 3 over there just drank his 4th cup of duck sauce.
- Agent O: [over the phone] K, the crashed ship from this morning was stolen from...
- Agent K: LunarMax Prison, Boris the Animal.
- Agent O: How did you know...?
- Agent K: He always had a taste for spikey bulba. Give us a minute, will you Chief?
- Agent J: We're in a situation...
- Agent K: [sighs] Yeah... I'll take the chloropod, you take the taranbee and the hydronian over there, I'll take whoever is in the kitchen and meet you on the street.
- Agent J: This is a very confusing time in my life.