Paul Rae credited as playing...
Emmett Quincy
- Emmett Quincy: Don't you go flappin' your gums, Moon! If you blow, I will kill you!
- Moon: I'm played out, Quincy! We seen Ned and Hayes two days ago...
- [Quincy draws a boot knife and cuts Moon's fingers off, then stabs him in the heart. Rooster immediately shoots Quincy in the face]
- Rooster Cogburn: Goddamn it.
- Rooster Cogburn: [outside the cabin] Who is in there?
- Emmett Quincy: [from inside the cabin] A Methodist and a son of a bitch!
- Moon: [Cogburn is offering the wounded Moon help in exchange for informations] My leg is giving me fits.
- Rooster Cogburn: Yes, a young fellow like you don't want to lose his leg.
- Emmett Quincy: [to Moon] He's trying to get at you!
- Rooster Cogburn: ...with the truth.