Tanit Phoenix credited as playing...
Gwen Lieber
- Edgar Frog: Okay, who the hell parked in front of my truck?
- Gwen Lieber: You sure don't look like a cold-blooded, meaner-than-hell, bad-for-nothing vampire killer.
- Edgar Frog: Excuse me?
- Gwen Lieber: You're Edgar Frog. Sworn enemy to night-crawlers and bloodsuckers the world over.
- Edgar Frog: I'm sorry, lady. You must have me confused with somebody else.
- Gwen Lieber: I'm Gwen. Gwen Lieber.
- [holds out her hand to Edgar Frog]
- Gwen Lieber: It's a pleasure to meet you.
- Edgar Frog: [takes Gwen's hand and shakes it] Hi.
- Gwen Lieber: And there is no confusion. You are the same Edgar Frog that destroyed covens in Santa Carla, Luna Bay and in Washington, D.C..
- Edgar Frog: I have no idea what you're talking about.
- Gwen Lieber: Can we go inside to talk?
- Edgar Frog: You have two minutes.
- Gwen Lieber: So aren't you the least bit curious on how I know so much about vampires?
- Edgar Frog: Not really. I know who you are. You're Gwen Lieber, bestselling author of the "Eternity Kiss" series. First of which is about to be made into a major motion picture, coming soon to a theater near you.
- Gwen Lieber: Oh, you've heard of me. I'm flattered.
- Edgar Frog: Well, don't be. Because your books suck.
- Gwen Lieber: I'm sorry you feel that way.
- Edgar Frog: It doesn't really matter what I think. You've got millions of emo-goth sheep all over the world who eat up every last word of it, and keep coming back for more. I'm sure you've made quite a nice living off your supernatural bodice-rippers.
- Gwen Lieber: I'll have you know, I have gotten glowing reviews from every major periodical.
- Edgar Frog: Bought and paid for, I'm sure. Just like me.
- Gwen Lieber: What the hell is your problem, Frog?
- Edgar Frog: My problem? My problem is you glorify vampirism. You make being a vampire look... sexy.
- Gwen Lieber: Well... there has always been an element of eroticism in vampire mythology.
- Edgar Frog: There's nothing sexy about being a member of the undead.
- Gwen Lieber: Well, perhaps I have made a serious mistake in coming to you.
- Edgar Frog: If you came to me expecting me to ask for your autograph, then yes, you did. But if you came to me expecting me to destroy a squadron of vampires, that, I can do.
- Edgar Frog: Lars von Goetz? You hired Lars von Goetz?
- Gwen Lieber: I thought you'd be happy.
- Edgar Frog: Happy? First, you expect me to kill a head vampire. Then you expect me to babysit some reality show reject?
- Gwen Lieber: You're not going to have to babysit him. Haven't you seen his show? The man's wrestled a grizzly bear, a lion and an alligator. He's amazing.
- Edgar Frog: That was staged. All reality shows are staged, okay? Lars von Goetz, whatever his name is, he's a fraud. Vampires are, like, ten times much more stronger than grizzly bears.
- Gwen Lieber: Well, I think he can take care of himself.
- Edgar Frog: We'll see about that.
- Edgar Frog: [to Peter] You're the alpha!
- Gwen Lieber: Oh, I bet you did not see that coming.
- Peter: Thanks to you. If X had been able to drink my blood during the Blood Moon, my power would've passed on to him. And that would've been a shame. I've been the alpha for a long, long time.