Rampage (2009)
Shaun Sipos: Evan Drince
Evan Drince : [Evan's rant on the decline of Planet Earth] The global population grows by over 70 million people a year. The same time our natural resources are dwindling; coal, oil, gas, water. With the development of the third world, we're just creating a ticking time bomb. And even though we know that forests are essential to reducing carbon emissions, we continue to cut them down whether it's for housing, farming, alternative energy, or just useless furniture. Instead of truly getting together and fighting for something - fighting against global warming, against political and social unrest, our politicians are using the same, lame Band-Aid techniques up for re-elections over and over! What we need is change! We can't stand for this anymore! Why do we accept this? Because we're a society built up on 'wants', not 'needs'. What are we taught to want in childhood? Big bank accounts, fast cars, plasma screen TVs, liposuction, getting face lifts. Does this help anybody? No. What is this? This is ego. This doesn't help the world. We need to bind together. We don't need to be individuals. We need to become whole as a country, as a world. We need someone who will stand for something. We need someone who believes in what they say and believes in action- believes in positive action, and changing the way we look at things; changing the way that we view our world. We can't survive with our politicians focusing their time on fighting religious wars; fighting over control of natural resources. Can anyone do this? Well, I don't know. Do you have any thoughts? Humanity can't survive over the next 100 years. The facts don't lie. My name is Evan Drince.