Taylor Lautner credited as playing...
Jacob Black
- Jacob Black: It's not like you're gonna have a real honeymoon with him anyway.
- Bella Swan: It's gonna be as real as anyone else's.
- Jacob Black: That's a sick joke. You are joking.
- [raises voice]
- Jacob Black: What? While you're still human? You can't be serious, Bella. Tell me you're not that stupid!
- Bella Swan: I mean, it's really none of your business.
- Jacob Black: No, you can't do this!
- [grabs Bella]
- Bella Swan: Jake.
- Jacob Black: Listen to me, Bella.
- Bella Swan: [yells] Let me go!
- Edward Cullen: Jacob, calm down. Alright?
- Jacob Black: [yelling] Are you out of your mind? Huh? You'll kill her!
- Seth: Walk away, Jacob!
- Sam Uley: Enough, Jacob.
- Jacob Black: Stay out of this, Sam.
- Sam Uley: You're not going to start something that we'll have to finish.
- Jacob Black: She'll die.
- Sam Uley: She's not our concern anymore.
- Rosalie Hale: Can't we come up with something just a little more classic?
- Bella Swan: [to Jacob] Hey. Are you okay?
- Jacob Black: Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon.
- Rosalie Hale: This is pretty important, Bella. Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided.
- Jacob Black: What now?
- Edward Cullen: Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names.
- Bella Swan: She hates them.
- Jacob Black: Well, then I'm on your side no matter what you picked.
- Bella Swan: They're not that bad. If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob.
- Rosalie Hale: Okay, fine. That one's not awful. Why don't you tell him the girl's name.
- Bella Swan: I was playing around with our moms' names, Renée and Esme. And I was thinking... Renesmee.
- Jacob Black: R... Renesmee?
- Edward Cullen: [laughs]
- Bella Swan: Too weird?
- Jacob Black: Um...
- Edward Cullen: No, that's not too weird. It's beautiful. And it's unique which certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee.
- Jacob Black: It's like gravity. Your whole center shifts. Suddenly, it's not the Earth holding you here. You would do anything, be anything she needs. A friend, a brother, a protector.
- Edward Cullen: [to Jacob] I think you may be right.
- [to everyone]
- Edward Cullen: Jacob just had an idea.
- Jacob Black: It wasn't an idea. It was more of a snide comment.
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: What were you thinking?
- Jacob Black: [smirks] That it's just looking for someone to sink it's teeth into.
- Bella Swan: He's thirsty.
- Emmett Cullen: I know the feeling...
- Seth: How cool is this? A two-man pack. Two against the world.
- Jacob Black: You're getting on my nerves, Seth.
- Seth: Right. Shutting up. Can do.
- Jacob Black: Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. Or tripped and fell off a cliff. At least I'll get one thing out of it.
- Sam Uley: No you won't. Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe.
- Jacob Black: Well, he's either going to kill her or change her. And the treaty says.
- Sam Uley: [interrupts] I say, Jacob. I say.
- Embry: You know if you wanted things different you should have become alpha.
- Jacob Black: Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time.
- Seth: Jake, you really think you could kill Bella if she comes back a vampire?
- Leah: No. He'd make one of us do it and then hold a grudge against us.
- Jacob Black: Shut up, Leah.
- Leah: Would you just get over it? It's not like you've imprinted on her.
- Seth: At least they seem happy.
- Embry: Yeah, some people are just lucky I guess.
- Jacob Black: Lucky? None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is their genes tell them they're happy about it.
- Leah: At least if you imprinted on someone you'd finally forget about Bella. I mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have.
- Bella Swan: Jake, is that you?
- Jacob Black: She's here?
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: They came home two weeks ago.
- [going after Jacob]
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: Jake.
- Bella Swan: I'm glad you came.
- Rosalie Hale: Close enough.
- Jacob Black: What's your problem?
- Bella Swan: Rose, it's okay.
- Jacob Black: [sighs] You look terrible.
- Bella Swan: Yeah. It's nice to see you, too.
- Jacob Black: So, you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?
- Bella Swan: Rose, you wanna help me up?
- Jacob Black: [sees Bella's pregnant stomach and charges Edward] You did this!
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: We didn't know it was even possible.
- Jacob Black: What is it?
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac.
- Alice Cullen: I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore.
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong and fast growing.
- Jacob Black: Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!
- Paul: Is it true, Jake?
- Quil: What will it be?
- Paul: It's growing fast!
- Leah: It's unnatural.
- Jared: Dangerous.
- Quil: Monstrosity.
- Paul: An abomination!
- Quil: On our land!
- [the wolves all start chorusing to Jacob: 'We can't allow it!']
- Sam Uley: We have to protect the tribe. What they bred won't be able to control its thirst. Every human will be in danger.
- Jared: We're ready.
- Leah: No time to waste!
- Jacob Black: Now?
- Sam Uley: We must destroy it before it's born.
- Seth: You mean, kill Bella?
- Sam Uley: Her decision affects us all.
- Jacob Black: Bella's human. Our protection applies to her.
- Leah: [snarls] She's dying anyway!
- [Jacob jumps on Leah and they tussle briefly]
- Sam Uley: We have real enemies to fight tonight!
- Jacob Black: Tonight?
- [Sam growls and lifts his head high; using his alpha wolf voice]
- Sam Uley: You will fight with us, Jake.
- [Sam advances, snarling. All the wolves are forced to bow their heads in submission. Jake struggles as his head is forced to bow before Sam]
- Jacob Black: [struggling with all his will, he thrusts his head up] I... will... NOT! I am the grandson of Ephraim Black. I am the grandson of a CHIEF! I wasn't born to follow you, or anyone else!
- Billy: Hey son.
- Jacob Black: What's going on?
- Billy: Bella called him.
- Charlie Swan: Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. You okay?
- Jacob Black: So you finally heard from Bella?
- Charlie Swan: They're extending their trip. Seems she caught a bug. They wanna wait until she feels better before they travel.
- Jacob Black: She's sick.
- Charlie Swan: Yeah, she told me not to worry but she sounded. I don't know, off.
- Sue Clearwater: She'll be okay, Charlie. Come on, let's eat.
- Billy: [stops Jacob] Jacob, let it go.
- Jacob Black: If Sam comes after Bella, are you really ready to fight your own brothers? Your sister?
- Seth: If it's the right thing to do.
- Jacob Black: Whatever. I'm gonna go give the Cullens a heads up.
- Bella Swan: Rose, I'm fine. Really.
- [Rosalie leaves]
- Bella Swan: So Edward sent you in here to talk to me?
- Jacob Black: Sort of. Though I can't figure out why he thinks you'd listen to me. I mean, you never have before. Since when are you and blondie BFF's?
- Bella Swan: Rose understands what I want.
- Jacob Black: What are you thinking, Bella? Seriously.
- Bella Swan: I know this seems like a scary thing, but it's not. It's like this miracle or something. I can feel him.
- Jacob Black: [scoffs] So it's a bouncing baby boy? I'm sorry I didn't know. Should've brought some blue balloons.
- Bella Swan: It's just a guess. When I picture him I see a boy. We'll see.
- Jacob Black: You won't.
- Bella Swan: Jake, I can do this. I'm strong enough.
- Jacob Black: Come on. You can spout that crap to your bloodsucker, but you don't fool me. I can see what that thing's doing to you. It's a killer, Bella.
- Bella Swan: You're wrong.
- Jacob Black: And when you die, what was the point? Of me loving you, you loving him. How is that right for anyone? Because I sure don't see it. Listen to me, Bella. Please? Just don't do this. Live, okay? Please.
- Bella Swan: Jake, everything's gonna be okay.
- [Jacob begins to walk away]
- Bella Swan: Jacob, don't go.
- Jacob Black: I know how this ends. And I'm not sticking around to watch.
- Jacob Black: Sam's lost the element of surprise and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity.
- Emmett Cullen: We won't get through without a fight.
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty.
- Jacob Black: The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind.
- Esme Cullen: Not in ours.
- Emmett Cullen: Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks.
- Esme Cullen: We'll make do.
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: You've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you.
- Jacob Black: I know they're out there somewhere, but I can't hear them anymore. It's so quiet.
- Leah: I stopped hearing them, too, the second I decided to leave. It's nice.
- Jacob Black: You know you can't stay here.
- Leah: But I don't have any place
- Jacob Black: [interrupts] I can't trust you with the Cullens. You hate them too much. You don't even like me.
- Leah: I don't have to. I just have to follow you.
- Jacob Black: Look, Seth doesn't want you here. Neither do I.
- Leah: Being unwanted isn't exactly a new thing for me. Look, I'll stay out of your way. I'll do whatever you want except go back to Sam's pack and be the pathetic ex-girlfriend he can't get away from. You don't know how many times I wished I could imprint on someone. Anyone.
- Jacob Black: Just to break the connection.
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: Bella could deliver as early as tomorrow. If she's going to have any chance at all, she'll need more blood.
- Esme Cullen: And you need to feed. You have to be at your strongest for her. We need to go tonight.
- Jacob Black: Carlisle, you're the enemy now. Sam won't hesitate. You will be slaughtered.
- Esme Cullen: Emmett will come with us.
- Jacob Black: That won't be enough.
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: We have no choice, Jacob. If there's anything we can do to save her, we have to try.
- Jacob Black: You'd risk your lives for her?
- Esme Cullen: Of course we would! Bella's a part of our family now.
- Jacob Black: Yeah, I can see that. This really is a family. As strong as the one I was born into. I know what I have to do.
- Jacob Black: Did Sam send you?
- Leah: Sam doesn't even know I left!
- [wolves start howling in the distance]
- Seth: I think he just figured it out.
- Jacob Black: Don't do that.
- Bella Swan: What?
- Jacob Black: Smile like I'm your favorite person on the world.
- Bella Swan: You're one of them. It feels complete when you're here, Jake.
- Jacob Black: So it's a bouncing baby boy? Sorry I didn't know, I should have brought some blue balloons.