Martin Short credited as playing...
- Gia: Alex? You are from a zoo?
- [pause]
- Alex: Yes. Yes. But wait, there's more.
- Gia: More?
- Alex: Or less. There's less.
- Vitaly: You were never circus?
- Gloria: We had to say we were circus.
- Melman: Or you'd never let us on the train.
- Gia: After all we have been through together, you want to go live in a zoo?
- Alex: Gia, I...
- Vitaly: You used us.
- Alex: No, no, no. I mean - I mean yes but,
- Gia: Trapeze americano, you make that up, too?
- Alex: It didn't exactly exist when I taught it to you.
- Gia: Jet packs and aquatic cobras! I should've known.
- Stefano: Balloons to the children of the world was not real, either?
- Alex: Yeah, that's not real. But look at what we did.
- Stefano: I was shot out of a cannon! I could've died!
- Marty: But I thought it was your lifelong dream.
- Stefano: For all I know, your name is not even Alice.
- Alex: No, Stefano, but it never really was.
- Stefano: I don't feel safe!
- Alex: Gia, I...
- Gia: We trusted you.
- Stefano: My tears are real! You are not!