Nick Porrazzo credited as playing...
Jeremy Giambi
- Billy Beane: Art, you got a minute?
- Art Howe: Yeah. Take a seat.
- Billy Beane: You can't start Peña at first tonight. You'll have to start Hatteberg.
- Art Howe: Yeah, I don't want to go fifteen rounds, Billy. The lineup card is mine, and that's all.
- Billy Beane: That lineup card is definitely yours. I'm just saying you can't start Peña at first.
- Art Howe: Well, I am starting him at first.
- Billy Beane: I don't think so. He plays for Detroit now.
- Art Howe: You *traded* Peña?
- Billy Beane: Yeah. And Menechino, Hiljus, Tam are all being sent down.
- Art Howe: You are outside your mind.
- Billy Beane: Yeah. Cuckoo.
- Jeremy Giambi: [knocking on door] You wanted to see me?
- Billy Beane: Yeah, Jeremy, grab a seat.
- [Jeremy sits down]
- Billy Beane: Jeremy, you've been traded to the Phillies. This is Ed Wade's number. He's a good guy, he's the GM. He's expecting your call. Buddy will help you with the plane flight. You're a good ballplayer, Jeremy, and we wish you the best.
- [Jeremy sighs and exits]
- Billy Beane: Jeremy's gone, too.
- Art Howe: [shaking his head in disbelief] You're killing this team.
- [after the A's lose a game, Billy hears funk music coming from the players' locker room. Irritated, he walks in to see Jeremy Giambi dancing on a table and other players having a good time. Billy takes a baseball bat and smashes the stereo playing music, startling the players and stopping the music]
- Billy Beane: [to Giambi] Get down. Is losing fun?
- [no answer]
- Billy Beane: Is losing fun?
- Jeremy Giambi: No.
- Billy Beane: Then what are you having fun for?
- [Billy throws the baseball bat where it hits a set of weights making a long, loud crashing noise]
- Billy Beane: [points to that area] That is what losing sounds like.