Pomeroy takes a whole sugared ring donut and puts it behind his back - when he holds it up, it has a bite taken out of it
While Becky is interviewing at The Today Show, the IBS producer is in a white shirt, but when he looks at Pomeroy's cooking, he is in a blue denim shirt. Further, when he waves his hands to Becky, he is in the white shirt.
After Pomeroy shoots at the birds, he is seen carrying a pheasant through the thickets. When he comes out on the trail, there is no bird.
When Becky is running back to IBS after her interview for The Today Show, she's wearing blue heels on the sidewalk, but then switches to red ones as she's crossing a park.
When Pomeroy shows up, the portrait of the previous anchor (right inside the door) is quickly painted over as well as the rest of his dressing room to prepare it for Pomeroy. Later, the same wall is shown (right inside Pomeroy's dressing room door) with old paint and an outline of an old picture frame.
When Becky approaches Pomeroy on the hill, he fires two shots at some birds. As the second shot goes off, it is seen that his finger is not on the trigger, but behind it. Actualy this type of double barrel shotgun has two triggers, one behind the other. When you take a good look you see that his finger is indeed behind the first one but also on the second trigger which is correct.
The Cisco phones used in the IBS offices are obviously not connected, as their LCD displays are blank. This happens multiple times in the film, notably whenever shots are made from behind Jerry's desk. The display on his phone is, in fact, also cracked from top to bottom.
When the NBC executive tells Becky "I mean, you have done an amazing job
of revitalizing a show that many people had just completely written off.", the camera visibly shakes, jumping up and down.
In a screen shot of Peck and Pomeroy, a crawl line appears, saying that an increase in skin cancer has LEAD to an increase in shampoo. The word should have been LED.
When Becky comes across Bennett in the lobby (she was going home with tapes), she says "Good night" to the guard in her left side, but there is nobody.