Patti D'Arbanville credited as playing...
Becky's Mom
- Becky's Mom: Did you get any severance?
- Becky Fuller: Uh... there were some budgetary cuts last year, so they weren't really offering. But I have feelers out. Lots.
- Becky's Mom: Yeah, great. Honey, you think "The Today Show" is gonna call you up and hand you a job, and you have since you were eight, and it's not gonna happen.
- Becky Fuller: I don't... I know that, I do. I get it.
- Becky's Mom: This is partly my fault. I... I let your father get your hopes up. He was not a happy person, let's face it. When he saw you aim high, he started to feel better about himself, so I never said anything.
- Becky Fuller: What are you saying?
- Becky's Mom: You had a dream, you know? Great. When you were eight, it was adorable. When you were 18, it was inspiring. At 28, it's officially embarrassing. And I just want you to stop before we get to "heartbreaking".